Sweden has long been viewed as a beacon for democratic government and progressive social policies. In this book, journalist and writer Claudia Wallin takes a fascinating look at the Swedish model of government, its commitment to transparency and openness, and its deep-seated aversion to politicians, judges and public servants enjoying any special privileges or advantages.
In this witty and insightful book, Claudia Wallin crafts a powerful discourse, highlighting the often-surprising strictures and constraints on those holding public office in Sweden. Welcome to the Swedish reality of government ministers commuting by bus, living in modest apartments and working from simple offices. No one in public life earns an obscene multiple-digit salary. Indeed, at the local level, Swedish councillors are not even paid, nor do they have the right to an office – they work from home.
Claudia Wallin also focuses on how the triple pillars of the Swedish system – transparency (Sweden has the world’s oldest transparency law), social equality and a well-educated population – combine to create a high degree of social trust. In virtually every area of public life, incidences of corruption or profiting from public office are rare and, when transgressions occur, politicians and officials are swiftly brought to account, aided by an ever-vigilant media.
In little over 100 years, Sweden has transformed itself from an impoverished, agricultural society into one of the wealthiest, most socially just and least corrupt countries in the world, where nobody is above anybody else. The Swedish experience demonstrates perhaps more than any other how change is possible.
Sweden – The Untold Story is a best-seller in Brazil, where it was originally published.
“Claudia Wallin´s book shows how a more egalitarian society can work. It´s not a utopia” – Gazeta do Povo
“It´s an extraordinary book ……. it shows what kind of society we need to build” – Eduardo Jorge, former presidential candidate for Brazil´s Green Party
“This is a book capable of igniting feelings of shame and anger (in voters), two sentiments that can be a good trigger for change” – O Globo